Players in second section and below rarely find time to practice their instrument outside rehearsal. "too busy", "can't rehearse at home" etc these are all valid reasons however you don't need much time everyday to make a difference. Playing for 5 minutes a day on long notes can boost your note production and strengthen your lip. When you start playing at rehearsal you will find the benefit even from playing a small amount between these valuable practice sessions. Try increasing your range by practicing a scale, moving one note up every week, it will enhance your playing a great deal.
The band is heading for 1st section, the pieces will get harder so it will benefit the band and players if practice outside rehearsal can be maintained.
If you can find any time between rehearsals I am sure you will be pleased with yourself for putting in the extra effort.
Another idea is to go to the bandroom, there are no distractions, you can't do anything else but practice so you can really get some quality practice in.
The band is sounding great and the Folkestone Test Piece is coming along, any practice achieved outside rehearsals will be a valuable bonus.
Thanks for listening, again please feel free to comment
QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "tuning is everything" - John Berryman